Welcome to Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

Our mission is to provide our communities with relevant and accessible education and training opportunities.

Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education Fall 2024 catalog cover

Spring 2025 classes now available!

Click “Search Courses” below.

Thinking about going to college and not sure how to pay for it? Learn about the financial aid process, and what aid might be available to you. For more information about applying for Financial Aid please call our Career and College Academic Coordinator at 207-647-3015 or email rhonda.jacobson@lakeregionschools.org for more information


The ACCUPLACER is a series of assessments designed to evaluate a student’s skill in reading, writing and math. The scores are used by colleges to determine a student’s readiness and placement into credit-bearing college courses.

As an official ACCUPLACER testing site, we can help you prepare, administer the test, and submit scores to the college of your choice.

For more information, please call our Career and College Academic Coordinator at 207-647-3015 or email rhonda.jacobson@lakeregionschools.org for more information

These classes are a great opportunity to work on the academic skills that will help prepare you to successfully take the ACCUPLACER placement tests.

Individual and small group instruction, self-study, and on-site computer-based learning options.

Rolling admission


To enroll in any of these classes, please call our Career and College Academic Coordinator at 207-647-3015 or email rhonda.jacobson@lakeregionschools.org for more information.

Move Ahead with Adult Ed!

Two paths to your Diploma are available in Naples & Fryeburg! 

Interested students should call the Adult Education office at 207-647-3015 or email rhonda.jacobson@lakeregionschools.org

Tuition-Free College Courses


Maine adults seeking to pursue College have a new option to jumpstart their education, with the support from their local Maine College System (MCCS) and the Maine Department of Education (DOE)will offer tuition-free college courses to Maine’s adult education students

Maine adult education programs have supported adult students in their transition to college and career through the Maine College and Career Access program for almost twenty years. This new opportunity expands upon that idea by allowing adult education students to take a college course with the full support of their adult education program mentors so they can develop the habits, skills, and confidence to succeed in college.

Adult education programs will work with adult students to select a course at the community college that is appropriate for their college and career goals, and then support the student as they complete the course.  The goal is that they will continue their education once the course is completed.

 Contact us to discuss this program!

207-647-3015 or email rhonda.jacobson@lakeregionschools.org

We need you! 

We are looking for talented people to teach exciting classes!

Do you or someone you know  have a talent for cooking, crafting, music or art? We would love to talk with you about teaching for us and enriching the community!

Contact adulted@lakeregionschools.org for more information.

Do you know what class you would like to teach? Fill out the Course Proposal Form.

  • Mar
    Image uploaded by Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

    Ballroom Dance Basics

    with Elizabeth Converse

    Ballroom Basics is a six-week session covering two ballroom dances, Fox Trot and East Coast Swing. The goal is to feel comfortable dancing through a full song – and have fun! Perfect for beginners and returning dancers – strong basics are for everyone. You will receive in-class instruction, handouts, and a weekly follow-up email. No […]

  • Apr
    Image uploaded by Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

    Botanical Resin Jewelry Making

    with Kayley Nelson

    In this class, you will work with UV resin to create beautiful, handmade jewelry. There will be many options of supplies to work with- colors to add, pressed flowers and greenery, and more! We will be working on earrings and necklaces. You can choose the shape, style, and hardware. Get ready to have fun making […]

  • Apr
    Image uploaded by Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

    Introduction to Spanish I

    with Meredith G. Morehouse

    Whether it’s for travel, work, Spanish-speaking friends/family, the music, or just a new challenge, there are many reasons to start learning Spanish. What’s yours? In this fun, interactive class, you’ll learn basic Spanish, understand the eight ways it differs from English, and start reading, writing, listening, and speaking on Day #1. Subject matter will be […]

  • Apr
    Image uploaded by Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

    Dough Bowl Candles & Glass Lanterns

    with Jenn Paulin

    Join Jenn from Candlewood for a fun and creative evening making two crafts! We will use dried flowers and nature debris to create stunning, decorative pieces that add a touch of nature to your home and make the perfect gift. You will learn to craft beautiful, aromatic candles using delicately dried flowers, soothing scents, and […]

  • Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education image #1344
    Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education image #207

    Our  offices are in The “White House” behind the Vocational Center on the Lake Region High School campus in Naples.

    Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
    for class and program updates and local employment opportunities!

    Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education image #216
    For more information about any of our programs,
    email adulted@lakeregionschools.org or call 207-627-4291.