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Fantastic Photo Finishes—Organize & Edit Images with Your iPhone/iPad Photos App

with BoomerTech Adventures with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee

$40 More Info

Most of us take hundreds of photos that languish on our iPhone/iPad or in the cloud. Knowing how to edit images and organize your photos on your iPhone and iPad is essential. Other areas of study in this online, self-paced course include using the tabs in the Photos app — “For You" tab (ready-made slide shows), creating, using, and sharing albums, and the very useful search function.

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15 iPhone/iPad Vision Accessibility Features

with BoomerTech Adventures with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee

$40 More Info

Many people have vision issues. A variety of iPhone/iPad settings allow you to use your device more easily when vision challenges arise. In this online, self-paced course you will learn where to find vision accessibility options and how to use them. The vision accessibility features are identical on the iPhone and iPad except in a couple of noted instances.

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Introduction to Zoom Basics

with BoomerTech Adventures with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee

$40 More Info

Using Zoom more than ever? This is an online, self-paced way to learn everything you need to know about the Zoom Video Conferencing platform. The course videos demonstrate examples of using Zoom on different devices—smartphones, tablets, and computers. Course content includes: Muting audio and video; using chat; screen sharing; recording; trouble-shooting; scheduling meetings; break-out rooms; and more. This course is appropriate for Zoom beginners as well as those who have used Zoom and want to learn more.

Image uploaded by Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

Real Estate Sales Agent Course

with Center for Real Estate Studies

$370 More Info

This 55-hour remote learning real estate agent course, approved by the Maine Real Estate Commission, is a prerequisite to taking the Pearson VUE state licensing exam. Based on the book, Introduction to a Successful Career in Maine Real Estate, by Charles “Kim” Coit, its content includes material that is basic to the practice of real estate in Maine. Concepts covered:

  • How the business is organized and regulated by the Maine Real Estate Commission
  • Licensing laws and agency relationships
  • Fiduciary duties of a licensee with an agency agreement with a buyer or seller
  • Private property rights with attention to the public and private limits that may exist on those rights.
  • Required disclosures licensees must make to make to buyers and sellers
  • Basics of contracts and how to complete agreements for real estate transactionsIntroduction to real estate financing and overview of different loan products available
  • Closings and closing costs
  • Tax considerations of property ownership
  • Miscellaneous federal laws including Fair Housing and Americans with Disabilities.

The material is presented in manageable modules. Students read the text and then answer short questions based on the text. The questions are designed to help students focus on key points and reinforce learning. The course has four quizzes. Students take the quiz and with a passing grade of 75, move on to the next topics in the course. Students may retake quizzes until they secure a passing grade. The final course grade is the grade attained on the final exam. Students may retake the final exam as well. Students have 1 year to complete the course.

Upon passing this course AND completing a course evaluation required by the Maine Real Estate Commission, students will receive a Certificate of Completion. This Certificate is your ticket of admission to the Pearson VUE state licensing exam. Students have one year from the course completion to take the Pearson VUE test. We recommend taking the test as soon after completing the real estate agent course as possible.

When students pass the Pearson VUE exam, they affiliate with an agency. The Designated Broker of the Agency and the student sign the application for a license and send the application to the commission for processing.


Students are welcome to call or email the real estate course instructor at any time during the course with questions.

Materials include:

  • Introduction to a Successful Career in Maine Real Estate textbook
  • Maine Real Estate Commission License Law Reference Book

If you would like to recieve a hard copy of the text book click here to register and recieve it for an additional $25

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Introduction to Mac Basics

with BoomerTech Adventures with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee

$40 More Info

In this online, self-paced course, you will learn everything you need to know to make your Mac computer (laptop or desktop) hum! Areas of focus include: Mac Operating System, features of the Mac, choosing the best browser, using Spotlight Search, learning how to use the Finder and App Store, understanding the keyboard, and learning the icons that define a Mac computer.

Image uploaded by Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

Introduction to iPhone Basics

with BoomerTech Adventures with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee

$40 More Info

The vast majority of iPhone users rarely access all of the available iPhone features. In this on-line, self-paced course, learn to use your iPhone to the best possible advantage. Some critical features covered include Apple ID and password; structure of the iPhone (buttons and how they work); best apps to have and how to get them; how to text, phone, FaceTime, and email; how to use the Control Center; mastering Settings; updating operating systems; using key apps; and more. An additional session includes iOS updates and the unique features of the newest iPhones.