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WOWI® Career Assessment & Advising

with Rhonda Jacobson

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What do you want to be when you grow up? The WOWI® (World of Work Inventory) Career Assessment is the answer to all your questions! WOWI® takes into account your skills, interests, and work style. After you take the assessment, a trained WOWI® professional will interpret the results with you. You will then meet one-on-one and find out what job(s) you are best suited for. Together we will assess, explore and plan your future!

By appointment, you pick the date!


Contact us for an appointment to meet with an advisor to start exploring a career path: 207-627-4291 or

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HiSET Testing

with Academic Instructor

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The HiSET is a High School Equivalency test that replaces the GED in the State of Maine:

  • Certifies a candidate’s attainment of academic knowledge and skills
  • Prepares students to test in five core areas: reading, writing, math, science, and social studies
  • Official HiSET instruction and testing is offered in Fryeburg and Naples
  • Start anytime! (Rolling admission)

 It's Never Too Late To Graduate!

Call our office 207-627-4291 for more information.

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ESOL class

with Academic Instructor

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At Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education we welcome New Mainers and people who are building their English skills. We want to support you as you improve your English speaking, reading, and writing skills, as you work toward a high school credential or prepare for college, or prepare for the US citizenship exam. Call our office at 207-627-4291 and we will schedule you for an assessment and place you in classes that meet your language and academic needs.


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Adult High School Diploma

with Academic Instructor

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Take classes and earn credits towards completing your high school diploma. Subjects are assigned based on students needs.

  • Individual and small group instruction, self-study, and computer- based learning options.
  • Start anytime! (Rolling admission)
  • Instruction is available in Fryeburg and Naples.

Call 207-627-4291 for more information

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