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Sebago Lake Kayak Lesson & Historical Tour

with Katelyn Perry


Next session: May 17th, 2025

Join the Registered Maine Guides at Sebago Trails Paddling for an on-the-water adventure! This two hour course will begin with a safety briefing and lesson covering the fundamentals of recreational kayaking. Using the EZ launching system at Sebago Trails Paddling, the tour will explore the water-carved bends and twists of a meandering stream unveiling local wildlife in a rustic backdrop. Then continue onto Jordan Bay of Sebago Lake as the guides share stories dating back to the settlements of the Sebago Lake region. Suitable for all skill levels. Come for the beautiful lake views and leave with your new favorite hobby! Meet at Sebago Trails Paddling Co.,1311 Roosevelt Trail in Raymond. Kayak, Paddle & Lifejacket provided. Bring water, snacks, sunscreen, and binoculars/camera in a ziplock or waterproof bag.

Image uploaded by Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

Sebago Lake State Park Forest Trails Walk

with Tia Simon


Next session: May 14th, 2025

Join Tia for an hour or so on an easy-rated hike along several trails within Sebago Lake State Park. We'll explore trailside through the forest, around an active beaver pond and visit the Songo river, sharing sightings, stories and questions. Meet at the "Sebago Lake State Park Campground" entrance parking lot on State Camping Road just off of State Park Road. Rain or shine. Wear hiking shoes and as desired bring a water bottle, cameras, binoculars, field guides, a hat, and rain gear.

Image uploaded by Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

Dough Bowl Candles & Glass Lanterns

with Jenn Paulin


Next session: May 14th, 2025

Join Jenn from Candlewood for a fun and creative evening making two crafts! We will use dried flowers and nature debris to create stunning, decorative pieces that add a touch of nature to your home and make the perfect gift. You will learn to craft beautiful, aromatic candles using delicately dried flowers, soothing scents, and natural ingredients to make unique and charming dough bowls. You will also learn the art of Decoupage, transforming a simple glass jar into a stunningly adorned and scented lantern. Students will take home both beautiful and functional pieces. Supplies fee: $10 to be paid directly to the instructor on the first day of class.

Image uploaded by Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

Drawing for Beginners

with Donna Kantor


Next session: April 22nd to May 1st, 2025

It's never too late to learn! No experience is necessary or expected. A class that introduces the nuts-and-bolts approach to a structured drawing process. A variety of mediums will be used - graphite in different forms and charcoal in block, powder and vine. Materials provided for in-class use.

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Hatha Yoga

with Joan Grady


Next session: April 29th to June 17th, 2025

Everyone can do some yoga, and, with very little instruction, you can begin to practice your focus on breath and holding postures. Yoga can be helpful with managing pain, improves your posture, tightens and tones your body, increases circulation, strengthens the back muscles, and helps with anxiety. Students should bring a yoga mat and a towel or light blanket. Wear loose clothing suitable for exercise. This class is for the beginner to experienced yoga student.
Image uploaded by Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

Hawaiian Hula Dance Class

with Nirakazi Diliiza

Aloha! Are you interested in Hawaiian Hula dancing? Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the basics of Hawaiian Hula. Learn about the Hawaiian culture and learn simple choreography to Hawaiian songs. Hula is a great way to connect with Hawai'i, and learn the language, history and culture. Come experience the beauty of Hawaiian Hula dance and experience the Aloha spirit of Hawai'i. All are welcomed! Wear loose clothing and bring a pen and paper for note-taking.